I first remember screenprinting using paper stencils back in middle school, I must have been about 10 years old.
I like combining the two processes to layer images with type. I’ve also digitised some of my favourite wood type, which allows me to scale them up and work with them more freely creating larger pieces of work.

I came back to it when studying for my National Diploma in Graphic Design at Croydon College. Screenprinting is a process I’ve always enjoyed, and once my new adventure with letterpress printing began, it was something I was wanting to revisit.
I found a regular 10-week adult education course in Hastings where I brushed up my printing skills and used the equipment to start creating my own work. Once I attended this course several times, I found the need to create my own space and Process Club was born.
There’s a lovely rhythm to screen printing. I still have a sense of joy when I pull a clean print everything just clicks.